Hi Everyone,

I perform a snapshot and a zfs send on a filesystem with a recordsize  
of 16k, and redirect the output to a plain file. Later, I use cat  
sentfs | zfs receive otherpool/filesystem. In this case the new  
filesystem's recordsize will be the default 128k again. The other  
filesystem attributes (for example atime) are reverted to defaults  
too. Okay, I can set these later, but I can't set the recordsize for  
existing files. Are there any solutions for this problem? This is the  
case on Solaris 10u5 and on Nevada b91 too.
          /_____/\           Peter Boros
         /_____\\ \
        /_____\ \\ /         Technical Specialist
       /_____/ \/ / /
      /_____/ /   \//\       Sun Microsystems Inc.
      \_____\//\   / /       Hungary-1027 Budapest, Kapas u. 11-15.
       \_____/ / /\ /        Phone:   +36 1 489-8900
        \_____/ \\ \
         \_____\ \\

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