On Jun 17, 2008, at 1:13 PM, dick hoogendijk wrote:

> This is about slices. Can this be done for a whole disk too? And it
> yes, do these disks have to be exactly the same size?

Indeed, it can be used on an entire disk.


    zpool create mypool c1t0d0
    zpool attach mypool c1t0d0 c2t0d0

    zpool create mypool mirror c1t0d0 c2t0d0

Note the lack of a slice ID in the above command's disk  
specifications. ZFS will interpret this as "use the entire disk"

At that point it will apply a EFI label to the disk and bring it into  
the pool as specified.

This method is preferred over specifying slice 2 (eg, c1t0d0s2) when  
wanting to use the entire disk for ZFS.

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