Nathan Kroenert wrote:
> On the NGE front, it turns out that solaris does not seem to like the 
> ethernet address of the card. Trying to set it's OWN ethernet address 
> using ifconfig yielded this:
> # ifconfig nge0 ether 63:d0:b:7d:1d:0
> ifconfig: dlpi_set_physaddr failed "nge0": DLSAP address in improper 
> format or invalid
> ifconfig: failed setting mac address on nge0
> using
> ifconfig nge0 ether 0:e:c:5b:54:45
> worked just fine, and the interface now passes traffic and sees 
> responses just fine. So, the workaround here is adding
>    ether <a working ether address>
> in the hostname.nge0
> I guess I'll log a bug on that on Monday...


I'd bet you're being bitten by: 6658667 nge - ethernet address reversed 
on nForce 430 chipset on ASUS M2N motherboard

Menno Lageman - Sun Microsystems -
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