I've just installed 2008.05 on a 500 gig disk... Install went fine...

I attached an identically partitioned and labeled disk as soon as the 
rpool was created during the installation.:

  zpool attach rpool c5t0d0s0 c6t0d0s0

Resilver completed right away... and everything seemed to work fine.

Boot on 1st disk and 2nd disk both worked fine...

I created a zfs filesystem, enabled samba sharing which worked fine:

pkg install SUNWsmbs
pkg install SUNWsmbskr
svcadm enable -r smb/server
echo >>/etc/pam.conf other password required pam_smb_passwd.so.1 nowarn 

zfs create -o casesensitivity=mixed -o nbmand=on -o sharesmb=on rpool/p 
zfs set sharesmb=name=p rpool/p

I copied a bunch of stuff to /rpool/p

rebooted and problem started:

Grub drops me to the command prompt without menu...

Trying bootfs rpool/ROOT/opensolaris
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS

failed with an inconsistent file system structure...

Rebooted into install environment and did a 'zpool import -R /mnt -f rpool' ... 
rpool seems 
to be okay and rebooted.

Grub drops me again to the command prompt without menu...

Trying bootfs rpool/ROOT/opensolaris
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS

fails with Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition

Rebooted with the install CD in text mode... and tried

    zpool import -R /mnt -f rpool
    mkdir /mnt2
    mount -F zfs rpool/ROOT/opensolaris /mnt2
    bootadm update-archive -R /mnt2
    zpool set bootfs=rpool/ROOT/opensolaris rpool

    installgrub /mnt/boot/grub/stage1 /mnt/boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/c5t0d0s0
    installgrub /mnt/boot/grub/stage1 /mnt/boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/c6t0d0s0

What am I doing wrong?
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