> This is the first time I tried nfs with zfs.  I shared the zfs filesystem 
> with nfs, but i can't write to the files though i mount it as read-write.  
> This is for Solaris 10 update 4.  I wonder if there is a bug?
> ---------------server (sdw2-2)
> #zfs create -o sharenfs=on  data/nfstest
> #mount -o rw sdw2-2:/data/nfstest /sdw2nfs/
> touch /sdw2nfs/dummy.txt
> touch: /sdw2nfs/dummy.txt cannot create

Root has no rw-privileges unless you specify map-root=root (syntax on
FreeBSD) in /etc/exports. You can verify uid/gid on both servers and
check if they are equal.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentlest gamester is the soonest winner.

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