On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 11:52 -0400, Bill McGonigle wrote:
> but we got one server in  
> where 4 of the 8 drives failed in the first two months, at which  
> point we called Seagate and they were happy to swap out all 8 drives  
> for us.   I suspect a bad lot, and even found some other complaints  
> about the lot on Google.
Problems like that seem to pop up with disturbing regularity, and have
done so for decades.  (Anyone else remember the DEC RA81 glue problem in
around 1985-1986?)

I've thought for some time that a good way to defend against the "bad
lot" problem (if you can manage it) is to buy half of your disks from
each of two manufacturers and then set up mirror pairs containing one
disk of each model...

                                                - Bill

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