-- richard

Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Wed, 28 May 2008, Brandon High wrote:
>> CMU released a study comparing the MTBF enterprise class drive with
>> consumer drives, and found no real differences.
> That should really not be a surprise.  Chips are chips and in the 
> economies of scale, as few chips will be be used as possible.  The 
> quality of manufacture could vary, but this is likely more dependent 
> on the manufacturer than the product line.  Manufacturers who produce 
> crummy products don't last very long.
> True enterprise drives (SCSA, SAS, FC) have much lower media read 
> error rates by an factor of 10 and more tolerance to vibration and 
> temperature.  They also have much lower storage capacity and much 
> better seek and I/O performance.  Failure to read a block is not a 
> failure of the drive so this won't be considered by any study which 
> only considers drive replacement.
> SATA "enterprise" drives seem more like a gimmick than anything else. 
> Perhaps the warranty is longer and they include a tiny bit more smarts 
> in the firmware.
> Bob
> ======================================
> Bob Friesenhahn
> GraphicsMagick Maintainer,
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