On May 6, 2008, at 14:59, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

> By releasing this bit of code to Grub under the GPL v2 license, Sun  
> has effectively transferred rights to use that scrap of code (in  
> any context) regardless of any Sun patents which may apply.

Ah, yes, I was wrong on this one - I see Section 11 of GPLv2 covers  
this adequately.

>   However, it seems that the useful ZFS patents would be for  
> writing/updating the filesystem rather than reading from it.  You  
> can be sure that Sun put as little ZFS code in Grub as was possible  
> (and not just for license reasons).

Well, yeah, the bootloader ought to be as minimal as possible, that  
just makes sense, any business cases aside.  I was pleasantly  
surprised to boot up the latest OpenSolaris OS Live CD and see GRUB,  
though. :)


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