Hi all,

just a quick question about ZFS volumes inside non-global zones. The zfs manpage seems a bit paradox about it - can it be used or not?

The manpage zfs(1M) says for volumes:
      volume         A logical volume exported as a block  device.
                     This  type  of  dataset  should  only be used
                     under special circumstances; file systems are
                     typically  used.  Volumes cannot be used in a
                     non-global zone.

Later in the section "Zones" it reads:
      A ZFS emulated volume can be added as a  device  to  a  non-
      global zone by using zonecfg's "add device" subcommand. How-
      ever, its physical properties can only be  modified  by  the
      global administrator.

The Zones section part basically says what I would be expecting. Also adding zvols to zones using zonecfg's 'add device' does work. But the sentence "Volumes cannot be used in a non-global zone." is a bit disturbing...

Any insights?

Thanks and have a nice weekend all,

Ralph Bogendörfer
Senior Systems Engineer                   Tel: (+49 6103) 752 451
Sun Microsystems GmbH                     Fax: (+49 6103) 752 299
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RFC 1925 2(3): With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine.
                However, this is not necessarily a good idea. It is hard
                to be sure where they are going to land, and it could be
                dangerous sitting under them as they fly overhead.

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