Sorry for being vague but I actually tried it with the cifs in zfs option, but
I think I will try the samba option now that you mention it. Also is there a
way to actually improve the nfs performance specifically?
"Peter Brouwer, Principal Storage Architect, Office of the Chief Technologist,
Sun MicroSystems" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello abs
Would you be able to repeat the same tests for the cifs in zfs option instead
of using samba?
Would be interesting to see how the kernel cifs versus the samba performance
abs wrote: hello all,
i have two xraids connect via fibre to a poweredge2950. the 2 xraids are
configured with 2 raid5 volumes each, giving me a total of 4 raid5 volumes.
these are striped across in zfs. the read and write speeds local to the
machine are as expected but i have noticed some performance hits in the read
and write speed over nfs and samba.
here is the observation:
each filesystem is shared via nfs as well as samba.
i am able to mount via nfs and samba on a Mac OS 10.5.2 client.
i am able to only mount via nfs on a Mac OS 10.4.11 client. (there seems to be
authentication/encryption issue between the 10.4.11 client and solaris box in
this scenario. i know this is a bug on the client side)
when writing a file via nfs from the 10.5.2 client the speeds are 60 ~ 70
when writing a file via samba from the 10.5.2 client the speeds are 30 ~ 50
when writing a file via nfs from the 10.4.11 client the speeds are 20 ~ 30
when writing a file via samba from a Windows XP client the speeds are 30 ~ 40
i know that there is an implementational difference in nfs and samba on both
Mac OS 10.4.11 and 10.5.2 clients but that still does not explain the Windows
i was wondering if anyone else was experiencing similar issues and if there is
some tuning i can do or am i just missing something. thanx in advance.
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Regards Peter Brouwer,
Sun Microsystems Linlithgow
Principal Storage Architect, ABCP DRII Consultant
Office: +44 (0) 1506 672767
Mobile: +44 (0) 7720 598226
Skype : flyingdutchman_,flyingdutchman_l
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