On Feb 23, 2008, at 10:57, Uwe Dippel wrote:

> Come on! Nobody?!
> I read through documents for several hours, and obviously done my  
> work.
> Can someone please point me to link, or just unambiguously say  
> 'yes' or 'no' to my question, if ZFS could produce a snapshot of  
> whatever type, initiated with a signal that in turn is derived from  
> a change (edit) of a file; like inotify in Linux 2.6.13 and above.

Solaris has /dev/poll, so if you want to code something up that sets  
up a trigger you can. The action on that trigger can then be running  
the 'zfs snapshot' command (or anything else for that matter).

Solaris is UNIX(tm), where the philosophy is generally many discrete  
tools that can be linked together.
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