FWIW, I just finished performing a copy again, to the same filesystem:

mkdir /pond/copytestsame
cd /pond/photos
cp -rp * /pond/copytestsame

Same files are missing throughout the new tree...on the order of a
thousand files.  There are about 27k files in /pond/photos and 25k files
in /pond/copytestsame

The original samba copy from another PC to /pond/photos copied
everything correctly.


Christopher Gorski wrote:
> I'm missing actual files.
> I did this a second time, with the exact same result.  It appears that
> the missing files in each copy are the same files.
> I originally copied these files over via Samba before trying to copy
> them locally with cp to the other file system.
> I'll have 200 sequentially numbered photos in a directory about ten
> levels deep, and say, 20 of these files won't exist in the copy.  I'm
> able to read the original files.
> I've verified that I can read the original files.  I also verified
> locally via bash that files in the copied trees are missing.
> -Chris
> michael schuster wrote:
>> Christopher Gorski wrote:
>>> Hi, I'm running snv_78 on a dual-core 64-bit x86 system with 2 500GB usb
>>> drives mirrored into one pool.
>>> I did this (intending to set the rdonly flag after I copy my data):
>>> zfs create pond/read-only
>>> mkdir /pond/read-only/copytest
>>> cp -rp /pond/photos/* /pond/read-only/copytest/
>>> After the copy is complete, a comparison of the original and copied
>>> trees revealed that /pond/read-only/copytest/photos has missing files.
>>> I tried this twice, and the missing files are different every time.  I'm
>>> copying 35GB, and about 1GB is missing.
>>> cp gives me no errors, and zpool status says everything is fine.
>>> A du -k of both trees shows the discrepancy.
>> are you missing disk space, or actual files?
>> Michael
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