Hello Vic,

Thursday, December 13, 2007, 10:29:57 AM, you wrote:
VC> Dear All,

VC> First of all thanks for a fascinating list - its my first read of the
VC> morning.

VC> Secondly I would like to ask a question. We currently have an EMC Celerra
VC> NAS which we use for CIFS, NFS and iSCSI. Its not our favourite piece of
VC> hardware and it is nearing the limits of its capacity (Tb) . We have two
VC> options: 

VC>     1) Expand the solution. Spend £££s, double the number of heads, double
VC> the capacity and carry on as before.

VC>     2) Look for something else.

VC>     I have been watching ZFS for some time and have implemented it in
VC> several niche applications. I would like to be able to consider using ZFS as
VC> the basis of a NAS solution based around SAN storage, T{2,5}000 servers and
VC> Sun Cluster.

I've been using Cellera too - not that bad, but definitely not worth
$$$ in most cases.

I've been using SC+ZFS in a production for over a year now (first with
beta version). It works pretty good - I mean, it just works.

VC> Here is my wish list:

VC>     Flexible provisioning (thin if possible)
VC>     Hardware resilience/Transparent Failover
VC>     Asynchronous Replication to remote site (1km) providing DR cover.
VC>     Snaps/Cloning
VC>     No single point of failure
VC>     Integration with Active Directory/NFS
VC>     Ability to restripe data onto "widened" pools.
VC>     Ability to migrate data between storage pools.

VC> As I understand it the combination of ZFS and SunCluster will give me all of
VC> the above. Has anybody done this? How mature/stable is it. I understand that
VC> SunCluster/HA-ZFS is supported but there seems to be little that I can find
VC> on the web about it. Any information would be gratefully received.

Not exactly...
All answers to your wish list is yes, with following

NFS - no problem at all, it will work with SC+NFS+ZFS
CIFS - if you're happy with samba - then yes. If you are after Solaris
       native client - well, it was just integrated into Nevada so if you're
       happy with Nevada...
iSCSI - haven't really use it, not in a production at least. By using
        shareiscsi zfs property I guess it should work. I don't think
        there's a special SC agent for it.
AD - not sure about samba

"Restriping data" - nothing automated yet. If you re-write data
                    manually then it should just work.

Migrate data between pools - not entirely online

Asynchronous replication - you can try AVS, I've never tried it.
                           Or you can go for zfs send -i

Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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