Constantin Gonzalez wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> yes, ZFS is platform agnostic and I know it works in SANs.
> For the USB stick case, you may have run into labeling issues. Maybe
> Solaris SPARC did not recognize the x64 type label on the disk (which
> is strange, because it should...).
> Did you try making sure that ZFS creates an EFI label on the disk?
> You can check this by running zpool status and then the devices should
> look like c6t0d0 without the s0 part.
> If you want to force this, you can create an EFI label on the USB disk
> from hand by saying fdisk -E /dev/rdsk/cxtxdx.
> Hope this helps,
>    Constantin
OK, tried some things you said.

This is the Volume formated on the PC (W2100z), the Volume is named 

# /usr/sbin/zpool import -f Radical-Vol
cannot import 'Radical-Vol': one or more devices is currently unavailable

# /usr/sbin/zpool import
  pool: Radical-Vol
    id: 3051993120652382125
 state: FAULTED
status: One or more devices contains corrupted data.
action: The pool cannot be imported due to damaged devices or data.

        Radical-Vol  UNAVAIL   insufficient replicas
          c7t0d0s0  UNAVAIL   corrupted data

Here's the device:

$ rmformat
Looking for devices...
     1. Logical Node: /dev/rdsk/c1t2d0s2
        Physical Node: /[EMAIL PROTECTED],600000/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL 
        Connected Device: SONY     DVD RW DRU-720A  JY02
        Device Type: <Unknown>
     2. Logical Node: /dev/rdsk/c7t0d0s2
        Physical Node: /[EMAIL PROTECTED],700000/[EMAIL PROTECTED],2/[EMAIL 
        Connected Device: USB 2.0  Flash Disk       1.00
        Device Type: Removable

Following your command:

$ /opt/sfw/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/zpool status
  pool: Rad_Disk_1
 state: ONLINE
status: The pool is formatted using an older on-disk format.  The pool can
        still be used, but some features are unavailable.
action: Upgrade the pool using 'zpool upgrade'.  Once this is done, the
        pool will no longer be accessible on older software versions.
 scrub: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        Rad_Disk_1  ONLINE       0     0     0
          c0t1d0    ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

It obviously doesn't show, not mounted.

And last the fdisk command:

# fdisk -E /dev/rdsk/c7t0d0
fdisk: Cannot stat device /dev/rdsk/c7t0d0

But this device works currently on my Solaris PC's, the W2100z and a 
laptop of mine.
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