Stefan de Konink wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Local+Descendent permissions on (tank/iscsi_luns)
>         user block
> clone,create,destroy,mount,mountpoint,promote,rename,reservation,rollback,share,shareiscsi,snapshot,volsize
> (added share)
> The strange thing is that the command seems to fail:

What opensolaris build are you using?

> -bash-3.2$ ./ skinkie test 1m
> cannot share 'tank/iscsi_luns/skinkie_test': iscsitgtd failed request to
> share
> filesystem successfully created, but not shared

I've seen this sort of thing before.  There is a bug in iscitgtd that 
use to cause this sort of error on the first request to share.  I'm not 
sure if that bug has been fixed yet.

> But the luns were made :{
> Target: tank/iscsi_luns/test
>     iSCSI Name:
>     Connections: 0
> Target: tank/iscsi_luns/skinkie_test
>     iSCSI Name:
>     Connections: 0
> What I also see is that the LUN is not removed on the destroy command.
> If the destroy command is executed as root it is removed as target.

as long as you have destroy it should remove the target.

> I implemented sudo now as wrapper around my script to get it to work, but
> some follow up on the errors is welcome.

I'm seeing some other issues with delegation+iscisi with the latest 
Nevada bits.  I will need to investigate them and will likely raise some 
bugs once I figure out whats going on.

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