Anton B. Rang wrote:
> Hint: Bill was already writing file system code when I was in elementary
> school.  ;-)
>'s rather sad to see serious and useful discussions
> derailed by thin skins and zealotry. Bill's kind enough to share some of
> his real-world experience and observations in the old tradition of
> senior engineers helping out those who are entering the field. I for one
> find his contributions (here and on USENET) very useful and always
> thought-provoking, whether I agree or disagree with a particular point.
> Thought-provoking often means controversial, but that's not a bad thing
> -- if you've been involved in the software engineering process, you'll
> know that most engineers have spent many afternoons yelling at each
> other over opposing points of view before going out for a drink
> together, and usually the end product is better for it.  ;-)

may be.

OTOH, when someone whom I don't know comes across as a pushover, he loses 
I'd expect a senior engineer to show not only technical expertise but also 
the ability to handle difficult situations, *not* adding to the 
difficulties by his comments.

(and remember: email is not the same as "yelling at one another" (in the 
hallway/at the conference table))

Michael Schuster        Sun Microsystems, Inc.
recursion, n: see 'recursion'
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