Dan Pritts wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 01:48:40PM -0500, Christopher Gibbs wrote:
>> I suspect it's probably not a good idea but I was wondering if someone
>> could clarify the details.
>> I have 4 250G SATA(150) disks and 1 250G PATA(133) disk.  Would it
>> cause problems if I created a raidz1 pool across all 5 drives?
>> I know the PATA drive is slower so would it slow the access across the
>> whole pool or just when accessing that disk?
> ...a late reply here, but i'm slightly surprised none of the
> other respondents mentioned this.
> The PATA drive is not any slower in raw throughput than the SATA disks.
> a typical 250G disk has a max transfer rate of maybe 60MB/sec, so the
> attachment speed will not make a difference.
True, but I'd image things go wonky if two PATA drives (master and
slave) are used.

> i/o to/from the disk's cache will be marginally slower but you want to
> disable the write cache for data integrity anyway.
Do you?  I though ZFS enabled the drive cache when it used the entire drive.

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