Michael McKnight wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have what I think is a simple question, but the answer is eluding me...
> I have a ZFS filesystem in which I needed to move part of it to a new 
> pool.  I want to recover the space from the part I moved so that it 
> returns to the original pool, without losing the snapshot data of the 
> other parts of the filesystem.
> For example, I have...
>       pool_01/mydata/dir1
>               and within dir1, I have:
>               ./images
>               ./invoices
>               ./xrays
> The xrays dir was moved to a new pool and now I want to recover the 
> space that it once took up.
> The problem is that I cant seem to figure out how to recover just the 
> space that one directory took up.  I know how to destroy the snapshots, 
> but I need to keep them since they contain data from other directories, etc.

It sounds like you have a clone of xrays as some other filesystem, if so 
promote that clone so it now owns the snapshots then you can delete the 
xrays filesystem.

Darren J Moffat
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