On Tue, 23 Oct 2007, A Darren Dunham wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 09:55:58AM -0700, Scott Laird wrote:
>> I'm writing a couple scripts to automate backups and snapshots, and I'm
>> finding myself cringing every time I call 'zfs destroy' to get rid of a
>> snapshot, because a small typo could take out the original filesystem
>> instead of a snapshot.  Would it be possible to add a flag (maybe -t <type>)
>> to zfs destroy to limit its destructive power?
> It's been discussed (more than once) before.
> http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=121336
> While I thought the general tone from that thread was that such a change 
> wouldn't be obnoxious, I didn't see if an RFE was filed or any status of 
> such.

I see that CR 6577055 is somewhat similar, but I can't find any RFE that 
talks about adding a filter that Scott mentioned (or that was brought up 
in the thread Darren pointed to).

I'll go ahead and write up an RFE.

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