On 5-Oct-07, at 2:26 AM, Jonathan Loran wrote:

> I've been thinking about this for awhile, but Anton's analysis  
> makes me think about it even more:
> We all love ZFS, right.  It's futuristic in a bold new way, which  
> many virtues,  I won't preach tot he choir.  But to make it all  
> glue together has some necessary CPU/Memory intensive operations  
> around checksum generation/validation, compression, encryption,  
> data placement/component load balancing, etc.  Processors have  
> gotten really powerful, much more so than the relative disk I/O  
> gains, which in all honesty make ZFS possible.  My question: Is  
> anyone working on an offload engine for ZFS?

How far would that compromise ZFS' #1 virtue (IMHO), end to end  


> I can envision a highly optimized, pipelined system, where writes  
> and reads pass through checksum, compression, encryption ASICs,  
> that also locate data properly on disk.  This could even be in the  
> form of a PCIe SATA/SAS card with many ports, or different options.
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