I think they are listed in order with "zfs list".

Fred Oliver wrote:
> Along these lines, the creation time is provided to the nearest second. 
> It is possible to have two snapshots (of the same file system) with the 
> same time stamp.
> In this case, is there any way to determine which snapshot was created 
> earlier?
> This would be helpful to know in order to predict the effect of a 
> rollback or promote command.
> Fred Oliver
> Tim Spriggs wrote:
>> zfs get creation pool|filesystem|snapshot
>> Poulos, Joe wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Is there a way to find out what the timestamp is of a specific 
>>> snapshot?  Currently, I have a system with 5 snapshots, and would like 
>>> to know the timestamp as to when it was created.  Thanks JOr
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