> Gino wrote:
> > The real problem is that ZFS should stop to force
> kernel panics.
> >   
> I found these panics very annoying, too. And even
> more that the zpool 
> was faulted afterwards. But my problem is that when
> someone asks me what 
> ZFS should do instead, I have no idea.
well, what about just hang processes waiting for I/O on that zpool?
Could be possible?

> Seagate FibreChannel drives, Cheetah 15k, ST3146855FC
> for the databases.

What king of JBOD for that drives? Just to know ...
We found Xyratex's to be good products.

> That depends on the indivdual requirements of each
> service. Basically, 
> we change to recordsize according to the transaction
> size of the 
> databases and, on the filers, the performance results
> were best when the 
> recordsize was a bit lower than the average file size
> (average file size 
> is 12K, so I set a recordsize of 8K). I set a vdev
> cache size of 8K and 
> our databases worked best with a vq_max_pending of
> 32. ZFSv3 was used, 
> that's the version which is shipped with Solaris 10
> 11/06.

thanks for sharing.

> Yes, but why doesn't your application fail over to a
> standby? 

It is a little complex to explain. Basically that apps are making a lot of 
"number cruncing" on some a very big data in ram. Failover would be starting 
again from the beginning, with all the customers waiting for hours (and loosing 
We are working on a new app, capable to work with a couple of nodes but it will 
takes some months to be in beta, then 2 years of testing ...

> a system reboot can be a single point of failure,
> what about the network 
> infrastructure? Hardware errors? Or power outages?

We use Sunfire for that reason. We had 2 cpu failures and no service 
interruption, the same for 1 dimm module (we have been lucky with cpu failures 
HDS raid arrays are excellent about availability. Lots of fc links, network 
links ..
All this is in a fully redundant datacenter .. and, sure, we have a stand by 
system on a disaster recovery site (hope to never use it!).

> I'm definitely NOT some kind of know-it-all, don't
> misunderstand me. 
> Your statement just let my alarm bells ring and
> that's why I'm asking.

Don't worry Ralf. Any suggestion/opinion/critic is welcome.
It's a pleasure to exchange our experience

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