
it would be interesting to see your zpool layout info as well.
It can significantly influence the results obtained in the benchmarks.

On 8/30/07, Jeffrey W. Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a lot of people whispering "zfs" in my virtual ear these days,
> and at the same time I have an irrational attachment to xfs based
> entirely on its lack of the 32000 subdirectory limit.  I'm not afraid of
> ext4's newness, since really a lot of that stuff has been in Lustre for
> years.  So a-benchmarking I went.  Results at the bottom:
> Short version: ext4 is awesome.  zfs has absurdly fast metadata
> operations but falls apart on sequential transfer.  xfs has great
> sequential transfer but really bad metadata ops, like 3 minutes to tar
> up the kernel.
> It would be nice if mke2fs would copy xfs's code for optimal layout on a
> software raid.  The mkfs defaults and the mdadm defaults interact badly.
> Postmark is somewhat bogus benchmark with some obvious quantization
> problems.
> Regards,
> jwb
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