Mark wrote:
> Ok, had a bit of a look around,
> What about this setup.
> Two boxes with all the hard drives in them. And all drives iSCSI Targets. A 
> third Box puts all of the Drives into a mirrored RAIDz setup (one box 
> mirroring the other, each has a RAIDz zfs zpool). This setup wil be shared 
> via samba out.
> Does anybody see a problem with this?

Seems reasonable to me.  However you haven't said anything about
how "third box" is networked to "first box" and "second box".

With iSCSI I HIGHLY recommend at least using IPsec AH to that you get 
integrity protection of the packets - the TCP checksum is not enough. 
If you care enough to use sha256 checksum with ZFS you should care 
enough to ensure the data on the wire is checksum strongly too.

Also consider that if this was direct attach you would probably be using 
two separate HBAs so you may want to consider using different physical 
NICs and or IPMP or other network failover technologies (depending on 
what hardware you have network wise).

I did a similar setup recently where I had a zpool on one machine and 
created two iscsi targets (using zfs) and then created a mirror using 
those two luns on another machine.  In the end I removed the ZFS pool on 
the target side and shared out the raw disks with iscsi and build the 
pool on the initator machine that way.  Why ?  because I couldn't 
rationalise to myself what value ZFS was giving me in this particular 
case since I was sharing the whole disk array.  In cases where you 
aren't sharing the whole array to a single initiator then I can see 
value in having the iscsi targets be zvols.

Darren J Moffat
zfs-discuss mailing list

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