Hi All,

Im just wondering (i figure you can do this but dont know what hardware and 
stuff i would need) if I can set up a mirror of a raidz zpool across a network.

Basically, the setup is a large volume of Hi-Def video is being streamed from a 
camera, onto an editing timeline. This will be written to a network share. Due 
to the large amounts of data, ZFS is a really good option for us. But we need a 
backup. We need to do it on generic hardware (i was thinking AMD64 with an 
array of large 7200rpm hard drives), and therefore i think im going to have one 
box mirroring the other box. They will be connected by gigabit ethernet. So my 
question is how do I mirror one raidz Array across the network to the other?

Thanks for all your help

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