Since we're wishing things:

Temporary pool imports, via a flag on zpool.

Pools that are temporarily imported ignore the in-use flag of the pool.
It should not be written either, whether it's set as in use or not. This
would allow accessing the pool manually in a multiboot scenario, where
it belongs to one system, but where the user needs occasional access to
it from elsewhere (e.g. FreeBSD 7). The idea behind temporary imports is
to prevent any problems that may occur if the user forgot to export it
when booting back into the main system.

Also, this would allow true read-only mode on pools, since truly nothing
is getting written to disk, unlike currently, where the in-use flag is
written. As side effect enabling ZFS on read-only media.


> Close Sync on file systems option (ie when the app calls close the file 
> is flushed, including mmap, no data loss of closed files on system 
> crash) Atomic/Locked operations across all pools e.g. snapshot all or 
> selected pools at the same time.
> Allowance for offline files, eg. first part of a file can be on disk, 
> the last part can be on disk, the rest on tape/cd/dvd/blue-ray etc.

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