Hi All,

Sorry to bother you all.

if this is possible, how do I go about it?

I just spent the evening trying to get b68 installed on to a 1GB Sandisk Ultra 
III CF using a CF - IDE adapter, the drive gets detected, minimal Solaris 
installs OK (I put /swap on another disk), when it is time to reboot, I get a 
"no active partition" error, I booted in to gparted and can see an unrecognized 
1MB partition and the rest taken up by the Solaris partition.

I have read http://uadmin.blogspot.com/2005/11/grub-on-stick.html and am 
thinking now that maybe I have to partition and install grub manually before 
the install, if this is so, can somebody please take me through the steps?

All I need is a minimal install of Solaris to boot in to console, with SSH 
access, and mount an existing ZFS set and share using SAMBA.

Thanks for your time everyone, if you could cc any responses to 
richieDOTthorntonATgmailDOTcom it would be much appreciated :-)

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