Hey everyone,

I have 2 disks (found as c0d0 and c1d0), one has a newly installed SXCE b68, 
the other is clean.

I've tried running zfs-actual-root-install.sh (from 
http://blogs.sun.com/timf/entry/zfs_bootable_datasets_happily_rumbling) as:
# ./zfs-actual-root-install.sh c1d0s0

It creates a valid zfs pool, partition, copies everything, etc.. but grub 
wouldn't come up.

So I tried to debug to see what was the problem, I noticed that installgrub 
actually failed, when I tried to run it manually it says:
cannot open/stat device /dev/rdsk/c1d0s2

What am I doing wrong here ?

Thanks in advance.
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