> FreeBSD plays it safe too. It's just that UFS, and other file systems on > FreeBSD, understand write caches and flush at appropriate times.
Do you have something to cite w.r.t. UFS here? Because as far as I know, that is not correct. FreeBSD shipped with write caching turned off by default for a while for this reason, but then changed it IIRC due to the hordes of people complaining about performance. I also have personal experience of corruption-after-powerfail that indicate otherwise. I also don't see any complaints about cache flushing on USB drives with UFS, which I did with ZFS every five seconds when it wanted to flush the cache (which fails since the SCSI->USB bridge, or probably the USB mass storage stuff itself, doest not support it). Also, given the design of UFS and the need for synchronous writes on updates, I would be surprised strictly based on performance observations if it actually did flush caches. The ability to get decent performance *AND* reliability on cheap disks is one of the major reasons why I love ZFS :) -- / Peter Schuller PGP userID: 0xE9758B7D or 'Peter Schuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' Key retrieval: Send an E-Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.scode.org _______________________________________________ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discuss