> > A 6 disk raidz set is not optimal for random reads, since each disk in=20
> > the raidz set needs to be accessed to retrieve each item.
> I don't understand, if the file is contained within a single stripe, why
> would it need to access the other disks, if the checksum of the stripe
> is OK?

Because you have to read the entire stripe (which probably spans all the
disks) to verify the checksum.

With a traditional Raid5 setup, there is no checksum, so there is no
need to read the entire stripe for a small read.  It may need only a
single disk to satisfy the read.  

> Also, why wouldn't it be able to concurrently access different
> disks for multiple reads?

In a random read situation, you'll likely have to read one slice (on all
the disks), then seek and read a separate slice (on all the disks).
That limits single-threaded random read throughput. 

Darren Dunham                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS            http://www.taos.com/
Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay area
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