> I also have two trivial questions (just to be sure).
> Do the disks have to be equal in size for RAID-Z?

Not really.  But just like most raid5 implementations, only the amount
of space on the smallest disk (or other storage object) can be used on
all the components.  The extra space on the other objects will not be
used.  So if one disk is much smaller than the others, you lose a lot of

400, 400, 450 => 3x400 => 1200 raw before overhead (lose 50 of 1250 avail)
100, 400, 450 => 3x100 => 300 raw before overhead (lose 650 of 950 avail)

> In a three disks RAID-Z, can I specify which disk to use for parity?

No.  Even in raid-5, there is no single parity disk.  The parity is
spread throughout the disks.

In raidz, there is also no single disk dedicated to parity.  As each
write occurs, it will place data and parity blocks on disk, but it will
not try to place parity on any disk in particular (it will just make
sure that it is different from the location holding the data).

Darren Dunham                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS            http://www.taos.com/
Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay area
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