Samuel Borgman wrote:
I just started to use zfs after longing to try it out for a long while now. The problem 
is that I've "lost" 240Gb out of 700Gb

I have single 700G pool on a 3510 HW raid mounted on /nm4/data running
# du -sk /nm4/data
411025338       /nm4/data

While a

# df -hk
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
nm4/data               669G   648G    21G    97%    /nm4/data

I have under 50 files here so it's not that the majority of the are between 
2-54Gb in size.

Please provide the output of 'zfs list' and explain how that differs from what you expect to see and why. (For the 'why', try running 'du -hs <mountpoint>'.)

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