Panic on snv_65&64 when:
#mkdir /disk
#mkfile 128m /disk/disk1
#mkfile 128m /disk/disk2
#zpool create data mirror /disk/disk1 /disk/disk2
#mkfile 128m /disk/disk1
#mkfile 128m /disk/disk2
#zpool scrub data

panic[cpu0]/thread=2a100e33ca0: ZFS: I/O failure (write on <unknown> off 0: zio 
30002925770 [L0 bplist] 4000L/4000P DVA[0]=<0:10000:4000> 
DVA[1]=<0:1810000:4000> DVA[2]=<0:3010000:4000> fletcher4 uncompressed BE 
contiguous birth=15 fill=1 
cksum=1000000:1000000000:800800000000:2ab2ab000000000): error 6

000002a100e33900 zfs:zio_done+2a0 (30002925770, 30002925770, 6, 7b656730, 
30003f5e2c0, 30001801580)
  %l0-3: 0000030002b74fe8 0000000000000002 000000000000000f 0000000000000006
  %l4-7: 0000000000000006 0000000000000003 0000000000000010 0000000000000000
000002a100e339c0 genunix:taskq_thread+19c (30002878a30, 30002878a88, 50001, 
ae06717577, 2a100e33a8a, 2a100e33a88)
  %l0-3: 0000000000010000 0000030002878a62 0000030002878a60 0000030002878a58
  %l4-7: 0000030003f704a0 0000000000000002 0000000000000000 0000030002878a50

syncing file systems... done
dumping to /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1, offset 215154688, content: kernel
100% done: 15297 pages dumped, compression ratio 3.28, dump succeeded

My system is:
#uname -a
SunOS blade150 5.11 snv_65 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-100
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