[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/06/2007 11:45:48 AM:
> With US patent laws the way they are, no one but a patent lawyer
> could safely give you an answer.
> If by some chance a patent lawyer is lurking and decided to comment,
> none of the rest of us
> could safely read such comments. No one working on ZFS could even
> safely look at the patent
> you've referenced.
In the United States, just the fact that you are aware of the patent
(you linked to) and alluded to it being of potential conflict with your
software opens you up to double damages if a judgment were to go against
you. That said, IBM has been pretty forgiving on the patent side for
opensource for a while. After talking with a patent lawyer, maybe toss
IBM's patent group an email asking for clarification or usage for your app.
Free legal advice usually only defers higher payments into the future.
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