Jesus Cea wrote:
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eric kustarz wrote:
Cindy has been doing a good job of putting the new features into the
admin guide:

Check out the "What's New in ZFS?" section.

I will update the wikipedia entry when Solaris10U4 be published :)

I really believe that ZFS *is* the OpenSolaris version, and citing deficiencies which do not exist in ZFS (the OpenSolaris version) is not appropriate. Perhaps a simple disclaimer: "New features and bug fixes are integrated into Solaris 10 several months after they are in OpenSolaris". But, I don't feel it would be appropriate for me to edit the Wikipedia page, so I'll just make my comments here.

By comparison, would you consider the development branch of the linux kernel (2.odd-number releases) to not exist for the sake of Wikipedia documentation?

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