On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 02:09:55PM -0700, John Plocher wrote:
> eric kustarz wrote:
> >We specifically didn't allow the admin the ability to truncate/prune the 
> >log as then it becomes unreliable - ooops i made a mistake, i better 
> >clear the log and file the bug against zfs ....
> I understand - auditing means never getting to blame someone else :-)
> There are things in the log that are (IMhO, and In My Particular Case)
> more important than others.  Snapshot creations & deletions are "noise"
> compared with filesystem creations, property settings, etc.

But clone creation == filesystem creation, and since you can only clone
snapshots you'd want snapshotting included in the log, at least the ones
referenced by live clones.  Or if there was a pivot and the old fs and
snapshot were destroyed you might still want to know about that.

I think there has to be a way to truncate/filter the log, at least by

> This seems especially true when there is closure on actions - the set of
>     zfs snapshot foo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     zfs destroy  foo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> commands is (except for debugging zfs itself) a noop....

Yes, but it could be very complicated:

    zfs snapshot foo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    zfs clone foo/[EMAIL PROTECTED] foo/bar-then
    zfs clone foo/[EMAIL PROTECTED] foo/bar-then-again
    zfs snapshot foo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    zfs clone foo/[EMAIL PROTECTED] foo/bar-then-and-then
    zfs destroy -r foo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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