> how can i guarantee consistency for the ZFS snapshots?.

Filesystem consistency or application/data consistency?

> If i am running a db or any other app on my ZFS and want to take a
> snapshot is there is any filesystem equivalent command to quiesce the
> ZFS before taking a snapshot or do i have to rely on the app itself?.

Because ZFS is taking the snapshot, it is able to guarantee filesystem

However, it cannot speak to the data or application contents.  You have
to do that, and ensure it has a consistent on-disk image at the time of
the snapshot.  This is the same as any other snapshot or copy technique
would require.

> Can i do something like lockfs or the like?. If i take snapshost on
> the storage, how can i guarantee consistency on those snapshosts?. Any
> methods to quiesce the FS after which i can take snapshosts on
> storage?.

At the filesystem level, that's all taken care of.

Darren Dunham                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS            http://www.taos.com/
Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay area
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