> On 5/30/07, Ian Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How about 8 two way mirrors between shelves and a couple of hot spares?
> That's fine and good, but then losing just one disk from each shelf fast
> enough means the whole array is gone.  Then one strong enough power glitch
> could potentially kill the whole array, if your power configuration lets that
> happen.  And if you unplug one shelf by accident (or to change FC switches,
> cables, whatever), you're left with no redundancy whatsoever. 

You'd get the kind of protection you want with:

  zpool create mirror shelf1disk1 shelf2disk1 \
               mirror shelf1disk2 shelf2disk2 \
  . . .
               mirror shelf1diskn shelf2diskn mypool

It's not the same as raidz2+1, but you would have twice the disk space as
your four-way mirror example.



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