On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 15:19 -0700, Eric Schrock wrote:
> This has been discussed many times in smf-discuss, for all types of
> login.  Basically, there is no way to say "console login for root
> only".  As long as any user can log in, we need to have all the
> filesystems mounted because we don't know what dependencies there may
> be.  Simply changing the definition of console-login isn't a
> solution because it breaks existing assumptions and software.

So how are you guaranteeing NFS server and automount with autofs are up,
running and working for the user for console-login.

I don't buy this argument and you don't have to say "console-login for
root only" you just have to have console-login and the services
available are minimal and may not include *all* services much like when
a nfs server is down, etc. 

If the software depends on a file system or all the file systems to be
mounted, it adds that as a dependency (filesystem/local).  console-login
does not require this - only non-root users.  (I remember a smf config
bug with apache not requiring filesystem/local and failing to start)

What software is dependent on console-login?
helios(3):> svcs -D console-login
STATE          STIME    FMRI

In fact the console-login depends on filesystem/minimal which to me
means minimal file systems not all file systems and there is no software
dependent on console-login - where's the disconnect?

>From what I see, problem is auditd is dependent on filesystem/local
which is where we possibly have the hangup.

> A much better option is the 'trigger mount' RFE that would allow ZFS to
> quickly 'mount' a filesystem but not pull all the necessary data off
> disk until it's first accessed.

Agreed but there's still the issue with console-login being dependent on
all file systems instead of minimal file systems.

> - Eric
> --
> Eric Schrock, Solaris Kernel Development       http://blogs.sun.com/eschrock
Mike Dotson

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