Your boot-sector is lost (or not found)
Have you checked that BIOS is trying to boot from the correct disk.
My MSI-card bit me exacltly like this last time i plugged inn an aditional disk.
I had rebooted, but not powercycled.
When I powercycled, the BIOS detected new HW and came up with the incredible 
idea that the new factory-blank disk should be the primary boot-device and not 
those I had configured as boot-disks (SDS mirror i my case) -- and for some 
reason it thought there was a boot-sector there and started to execute the 
random bits..probably \0 == NOOP. Seems like a bad BIOS-bug.
My fix was simply to reconfigure the BIOS boot-order (and make sure I 
powercycle next time I rearrange HW that supposedly was hot-swap.. ).
If that's not the case you'll probably need to do installgrub (manpage has an 
example but I dont know if it needs special tweaking for zfs-boot)
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