I have a scenario where I have several ORACLE databases.  I'm trying to
keep system downtime to a minimum for business reasons.  I've created
zpools on three devices, an internal 148 Gb drive (data) and two
partitions on an HP SAN.  HP won't do JBOD so I'm stuck with relying
upon HP to give me a clean partition and do all the dirty work in the
background.  On the SAN I've got slow disk and fast disk.  Hence, I've
created the following: 


I've got a script that brings down the databases, does a snapshot, then
brings the databases back up.  I'm left with

# zfs list -t snapshot
data/[EMAIL PROTECTED]     7.34G      -  7.34G  -
data/[EMAIL PROTECTED]     7.34G      -  7.34G  -
fastsan/[EMAIL PROTECTED]   368M      -  1.59G  -
fastsan/[EMAIL PROTECTED]  3.57G      -  3.57G  -
slowsan/[EMAIL PROTECTED]  3.57G      -  3.57G  -
slowsan/[EMAIL PROTECTED]   658M      -  1.13G  -

Then I use Legato Networker 7.3.2 to back up the server.  As ALL tends
to ignore the snapshot directories, I've hard coded the locations to be
backed up including:


On restore, I'll just drop the files into their correct locations.

Note that I am NOT backing up the databases directly.  There's no point,
they're up and running again.

Is this workable?

I don't have enough disk to do clones and I haven't figured out how to
mount snapshots directly.

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