On 4/27/07, Ben Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just threw in a truss in the SMF script and rebooted the test system and it 
failed again.
The truss output is at http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~bmiller/zfs.truss-Apr27-2007

324:    read(7, 0x000CA00C, 5120)                       = 0
324:    llseek(7, 0, SEEK_CUR)                          Err#29 ESPIPE
324:    close(7)                                        = 0
324:    waitid(P_PID, 331, 0xFFBFE740, WEXITED|WTRAPPED) = 0

llseek(7, 0, SEEK_CUR)  returns Err#29 ESPIPE

. so then .. whats that mean ?

    The llseek() function will fail if:

    ESPIPE          The fildes argument  is  associated  with  a
                    pipe or FIFO.

dunno if that helps

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