cedric briner writes:
 > > You might set zil_disable to 1 (_then_ mount the fs to be
 > > shared). But you're still exposed to OS crashes; those would 
 > > still corrupt your nfs clients.
 > > 
 > > -r
 > hello Roch,
 > I've few questions
 > 1)
 > from:
 >    Shenanigans with ZFS flushing and intelligent arrays...
 >    http://blogs.digitar.com/jjww/?itemid=44
 > I read :
 >   Disable the ZIL. The ZIL is the way ZFS maintains _consistency_ until 
 > it can get the blocks written to their final place on the disk. That's 
 > why the ZIL flushes the cache. If you don't have the ZIL and a power 
 > outage occurs, your blocks may go poof in your server's RAM...'cause 
 > they never made it to the disk Kemosabe.
_consistency_ above may not be the right technical term.
It's more about data loss. If you fsync, then  data needs to be
somewhere; that's in the zil.

 > from :
 >    Eric Kustarz's Weblog
 >    http://blogs.sun.com/erickustarz/entry/zil_disable
 > I read :
 >    Note: disabling the ZIL does _NOT_ compromise filesystem integrity. 
 > Disabling the ZIL does NOT cause corruption in ZFS.

That is correct. ZIL or not, the pool stays
self-consistent from ZFS standpoint. This means it will be mounted and 
there shall be no error then. But the application may not
agree with this statement. Without a zil, I fsunc a file but the data is
not there (data loss) after reboot.

 > then :
 >    I don't understand: In one they tell that:
 >     - we can lose _consistency_
 >    and in the other one they say that :
 >     - does not compromise filesystem integrity
 >    so .. which one is right ?

ZFS/ZPOOL is consistent with itself (zil not required for that) or
the ZFS/ZPOOL is consistent with the posix requirement
regarding fsync (ZIL required).

 > 2)
 > from :
 >    Eric Kustarz's Weblog
 >    http://blogs.sun.com/erickustarz/entry/zil_disable
 > I read:
 >   Disabling the ZIL is definitely frowned upon and can cause your 
 > applications much confusion. Disabling the ZIL can cause corruption for 
 > NFS clients in the case where a reply to the client is done before the 
 > server crashes, and the server crashes before the data is commited to 
 > stable storage. If you can't live with this, then don't turn off the ZIL.
 > then:
 >    The service that we export with zfs & NFS is not such things as 
 > databases or some really stress full system, but just exporting home. So 
 > it feels to me that we can juste disable this ZIL.

the problem is dealing with failure (as I explain in the
"fine combination" entry). With zil disable, you would need
to unmount on all clients that mounted a FS that is backed by 
a ZFS with zil disabled. Might as well have to reboot them.
So reboot of the server implies tracking down all client
mounts... NFS was never intended for that...

 > 3)
 > from:
 >    NFS and ZFS, a fine combination
 >    http://blogs.sun.com/roch/#zfs_to_ufs_performance_comparison
 > I read:
 >    NFS service with risk of corruption of client's side view :
 >      nfs/ufs :  7     sec (write cache enable)
 >      nfs/zfs :  4.2   sec (write cache enable,zil_disable=1)
 >      nfs/zfs :  4.7   sec (write cache disable,zil_disable=1)
 > Semantically correct NFS service :
 >      nfs/ufs : 17     sec (write cache disable)
 >      nfs/zfs : 12     sec (write cache disable,zil_disable=0)
 >      nfs/zfs :  7     sec (write cache enable,zil_disable=0)
 > then :
 >    Does this mean that when you just create an UFS FS, and that you just 
 > export it with NFS, you are doing an not semantically correct NFS 
 > service. And that you have to disable the write cache to have an correct 
 > NFS server ???

Yes.  That  is why all shipping   Sun products had  the disk
write cache disabled.  But with  ZFS  we are safe no  matter
what the setting.

 > 4)
 > so can we say that people used to have an NFS with risk of corruption of 
 > client's side view can just take ZFS and disable the ZIL ?

It's your call.

        You were running UFS with third party storage that
        had the write cache enabled means your air bag was
        disabled. Now you got a new car and want to disable 
        the air bag on that one to gain some performance.
        It's your data, your life.

But if people start doing this on a large scale we're in for


 > thanks in advance for your clarifications
 > Ced.
 > P.-S. Does some of you know the best way to send an email containing 
 > many questions inside it ? Should I create a thread for each of them, 
 > the next time

Since there are related , this format looked fine to me.

 > -- 
 > Cedric BRINER
 > Geneva - Switzerland
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