Toby Thain wrote:

On 25-Apr-07, at 12:17 PM, cedric briner wrote:

hello the list,

After reading the _excellent_ ZFS Best Practices Guide, I've seen in the section: ZFS and Complex Storage Consideration that we should configure the storage system to ignore command which will flush the memory into the disk.

So does some of you knows how to tell Xserve Raid to ignore ``fsync'' requests ?

After the announce that zfs will be included in Tiger,

Much as I would like to see it, I am not aware of any such announcement from Apple, only rumours.

FWIW, I heard the rumor from their sales guys.

The wouldn't say whether it ZFS would be available in 10.5 or 10.6, and they wouldn't say whether it ZFS-boot would be available when ZFS is introduced -- but they did confirm that it's being worked on.


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