On Tue, Apr 24, 2007 at 04:51:10PM -0700, oliver soell wrote:
> I just installed a mirrored root system last night, but using Tim Foster's 
> zfs-actual-root-install.sh script on a clean install of b62 
> (http://blogs.sun.com/timf/entry/zfs_bootable_datasets_happily_rumbling).
> You mention that no UFS slices are necessary using the patched DVD netinstall 
> - is a dump slice still needed?

Yes, dump on ZVOL isn't currently supported, so a dump slice is still needed.

"Perl can be fast and elegant as much as J2EE can be fast and elegant.
In the hands of a skilled artisan, it can and does happen; it's just
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suited to making sure that my burger is cooked thoroughly."  -- Jonathan 
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