> Leon Koll wrote:
> > My guess that Yaniv assumes that 8 pools with 62.5
> million files each have significantly less chances to
> be corrupted/cause the data loss than 1 pool with 500
> million files in it.
> > Do you agree with this?
> I do not agree with this statement.  The probability
> is the same,
> regardless of the number of files.  By analogy, if I
> have 100 people
> and the risk of heart attack is 0.1%/year/person,
> then dividing those
> people into groups does not change their risk of
> heart attack.
>   -- richard

My analogy was - to put these 100 people to 8 elevators instead of one, 
especially in case when one elevator can carry only 13 people.
But if you tell me that the risk of dealing with 500 million files in 1 pool is 
the same as with  500 million files in 8 pools, I agree that my analogy is not 
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