shay wrote:
stripe all of them maybe OK.
another 2 questions :
1. there is any concatination mathod in ZFS?
No. ZFS does dynamic striping. Some will argue that there is no real advantage
to concatenation that does not also exist in dynamic striping.
2. I test the prepormance by copy 512MB file into zfs pool that created from 2 luns with stripe,
one Lun came from Storage-controller-0 and connected through HBA-0
second Lun came from Storage-controller-1 and connected through HBA-1
the time was 12 sec.
And I did another preforman test by copy 512MB file into zfs pool that created
from 1 lun only.
and the test result was the same - 12 sec !?
NOTE : server V240, solaris10(11/06), 2GB RAM, connected to HDS storage type
AMS500 with two HBA type qlogic QLA2342.
Any explanation? it seems that te stripe didn't actualy effect preformance!
The bottleneck is elsewhere.
-- richard
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