
quoting from zfs docs

"The SPA allocates blocks in a round-robin fashion from the top-level vdevs. A 
storage pool with multiple top-level vdevs allows the SPA to use dynamic 
striping to increase disk bandwidth. Since a new block may be allocated from 
any of the top-level vdevs, the SPA implements dynamic striping by spreading 
out writes across all available top-level vdevs"

Now, if I need two filesystems, /protect (mirrored - 2physical) and 
/fast_unprot (striped - 3physical), is it correct that we end up with 2 
top-level vedvs. If that is the case then from the above paragraph does it mean 
that blocks for either filesystem blocks can end up in any of the 5 physicals. 
What happens to the intended protection and performance? I am sure, I am 
missing some basics here. 

Thanks for the clarification
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