Since the entries under /dev/rdsk (for raw disk partitions) are also symlinks to /devices/../.. and have been for a very, very long time, it seems to me that the inability to support them is either a bug or the result of a misuse of the product.

On 13/04/2007, at 3:30 PM, Simon wrote:


Thanks for your reply.

I tried using SVM volumes to hold the oracle data file,but got the same errors:
# ls -l /dev/md/rdsk
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          36 Apr 13 12:28 d0 ->
../../../devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0,0,raw
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          36 Apr 13 13:10 d1 ->
../../../devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0,1,raw

oracle control data file --> /dev/md/rdsk/d0 (200M)
oracle system data file --> /dev/md/rdsk/d1 (800M)

When created database,got errors:
"You don't have enough free disk space to create the database,You need
at leat 409600KB on /devices,You have only 0KB available."

The errors are pretty same with before.

So,does mean this is oracle bug ? Or it's impossible(or inappropriate)
to use ZFS/SVM volumes to create oracle data file,instead,should use
zfs or ufs filesystem to do this.



On 4/12/07, Mark J Musante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, Simon wrote:

> I'm installing Oracle 9i on Solaris 10 11/06(update 3),I created some
> zfs volumes which will be used by oracle data file,as:

Have you tried using SVM volumes? I ask, because SVM does the same thing:
soft-link to /devices

If it works for SVM and not for ZFS, then I think that narrows it down to a ZFS bug. If it fails for both SVM and ZFS, then that probably indicates
an Oracle bug.

Could you share the relevant bits of a truss output so we can see what's
going on under the covers?

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