Anton B. Rang wrote:
This might be impractical for a large file system, of course. It might be 
easier to have a 'zscavenge' that would recover data, where possible, from a 
corrupted file system. But there should be at least one of these. Losing a 
whole pool due to the corruption of a couple of blocks of metadata is a Bad 

That could be handy for any number of data-transport, borked-system-recovery and even some forensic-like tasks:
   zscavenge badpool | zfs recv

So, suppose a user has a few hundred gb of data that they'd like copied directly onto our fileserver. They bring me a ZFS-formatted external USB drive. Instead of mounting it and messing with their data, I zscavange /dev/usbdevice, and then write that into a pool that I'm comfortable messing with.

It works just as well for someone trying to recover a truly borked system. One could recover the data without making any changes whatsoever to the drive, so that I can put everything back the way I found it -- in case I can't fix it, the next person who tries to fix it has a clean slate.


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